The secrets of the skeletons, always remain, in our closet.
Some will try to take a withdraw, or even make a deposit.
Like a cobra’s snake skin, they will always leave a thin trail.
The skeletons, that have been shown and removed, prevail.

Some skeletons are hidden by you, some by others around.
When opening the closet, you can see, a new lost and found.
Skeletons, or undisclosed facts, we never would like to reveal.
Perceptions are damaged, as lies and the truth is concealed.

Understand, that we all have secrets, and things not shared.
Our lives and stories, are all different, not easily compared.
An embarrassment for some, others, just a walk in the park.
The truth, shall set you free, just as a butterfly, the monarch

The skeletons, now out in the open, no longer the elephant.
This too shall pass, and soon, become somewhat irrelevant.
Some of the skeletons, will bring shame, the others remorse.
To determine which one it really is, you must find, the source.

Skeletons in the closet, will finally be seen, before time expires.
All the balls, and all the strikes, will be judged, by the umpires.
Sharing our shame, our secrets, we always expect the worst.
Things will go better than expected, when diving in headfirst.

We all have secrets, flaws, imperfections, that we try to hide.
With vulnerability, chances for empathy, surface far and wide.
No matter how bad, accept that it happened, making peace.
Embrace what happened, and let any emotions be released.

You must forgive yourself, any other cast that were involved.
Promise to move on from this, feeling it has been resolved.
The skeletons, of the shame and the unworthy, only alone.
Empathy, forgiveness, and connection, on the tombstone.

Written by: Craig Dunkleberger
Photo by: Freepik “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil”

Dealing With Skeletons in the Closet

  1. Accept that it happened. Accepting reality, especially when it is ugly, is hard for everyone. …
  2. Make peace with what happened. …
  3. Embrace what happened. …
  4. Express your emotions. …
  5. Forgive yourself or the person who caused the situation. …
  6. Promise yourself to move on.

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